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Workshops on scientific writing and publishing

SARA regularly holds workshops on various themes related to scientific writing and publishing. Feel free to stick around after the presentation and ask questions.

Where: The graduate student space in the library (A-0232)

Check back regularly for newly added workshops

Below are some workshops being held by SARA on topics related to scientific communication as well as the rest of the library team on topics related to research.

Workshops Topics

  • Débuter un article scientifique / Kickstart a scientific article
  • Rédiger de meilleurs résumés pour mieux se démarquer / Writing better abstracts will help your work stand out
  • Comment être concis / How to be concise
  • Survol des indicateurs de performance des auteurs / Overview of performance indicators for authors
  • Penser comme le lecteur / Thinking like the reader
  • Mendeley / Zotero / Endnote
  • Visibilité et impact de vos recherches / The visibility and impact of your research
  • Le fil conducteur / Narrative
  • Les présentations par affiche / Tips on poster presentations
  • Veille informationnelle / Informational intelligence
  • Présentations orales / Oral presentations
  • Journal Club… C’est quoi ça? / Journal Club… What’s that?
  • SMART Objectives for writing / Objectifs SMART pour la rédaction
  • Décortiquer une soutenance de thèse / Understanding a thesis defence
  • S’initier à la recherche de brevets / Dive into searching for patents
  • Recherche avancée de documentation scientifique / Advanced searches for scientific documents
  • Devenir un as de l’information en milieu de travail / Become an information ace in an industrial setting
  • Où publier? Comment choisir la bonne revue / Where do I publish? Choosing the appropriate journal
  • Outils pour organiser l’information / Tools to organize information
  • Rédaction collaborative / Collaborative writing
  • 11 étapes pour structurer un manuscrit / 11 steps to structuring a manuscript
  • Ma thèse en 180 secondes / Three minute thesis
  • Introduction aux cartes mentales et conceptuelles / Intro to mind and conceptual maps
  • + more!


Contact us if you would like to hold a personalized workshop within your research group. We can help with various topics (next box) or you can suggest a topic to us!