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Peer review service


Please note that the SARA evaluation service is going through an update and will be online again in the winter session. Thank you.

The SARA offers a free peer review service for papers. This service allows ÉTS students to submit a draft of their paper and receive useful comments by people experienced in writing scientific papers.

Why use this service? Here are several good reasons :

  • Get prompt feedback that is relevant to the improvement of your manuscript, from the perspective of a potential reader;
  • Learn to receive and react productively to criticism, which is an invaluable career skill;
  • Become familiar with EasyChair, a real on-line manuscript submission system that is typical of systems used for many conferences;
  • Increase your chances of getting your work published in a good journal or conference proceedings.

Ethics for reviewing other people’s work with SARA

Our reviewers have agreed to our Ethics Guidelines.