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Previous writing experiments

Autumn 2017!




Journée de la recherche

Workshops to introduce you to tools and resources for your research

The ÉTS library’s SARA and the Comité des Cycles Supérieurs (Graduate Students Society) will be holding a Research Day on Thursday August 15thwhere graduate students can learn about different tools to help them with their research. The day will have various interactive sessions with invited experts on topics such as the following:

  • What does a reviewer consider when evaluating your paper for publication?

  • How do you patent your research ideas?

  • What qualities should you look for in a research director?

  • What is Python and how can I use it to help me in my research tasks?

  • What tools can I use to find, judge, and manage articles for my literature review?

And more!


Quand ¦ Quoi ¦  Qui ¦ 
09h-09h30 Café + Confirmation d'inscriptions ¦ Coffee + Registration confirmation
09h30-09h45 Bienvenue ¦ Welcome
09h45-10h15 Comment faire une présentation orale lors d'une conférence ¦ How to give an oral presentation at a conference Ghyslain Gagnon
10h15-10h30 Outils pour les présentations orales ¦ Tools for oral presentations Prasun Lala
10h30-11h00 Remue-méninges sur les brevets ¦ Brainstorming patents Vincent Lévesque
11h00-11h05 Outils de recherche de brevets ¦ Tools to search for patents Judith Boissonneault
11h05-11h15 Pause - Break
11h15-11h45 Comment choisir un directeur de recherche ¦ How to choose a research director Ghazi Amor
11h45-12h00 Outils de recherche ¦ Tools for research Judith Boissonneault
12h00-12h15 Introduction CAÉC Félix et Magalie
12h15-12h30 Vulgarisation de votre projet de recherche ¦ Explaining your research in lay terms Prasun Lala
12h30-13h30 Lunch
13h30-16h30 Atelier Python ¦ Python workshop Morteza Nabavi
16h30-17h00 Discussion + Feedback  

Previous contests - Ingenious Writers Contest

Ingenious Writers Contest

The Ingenious Writers Contest was organized during the winter 2017 semester by SARA, Direction des affaires professorales, de la recherche et des partenariats (DAPRP), and Substance ÉTS. This contest asked students to summarize a scientific article written by an ÉTS professor in 1200 words or less, with the goal of making the content accessible to an informed reader who is not necessarily an expert in the field.


A committee consisting of ÉTS professors and employees evaluated the 31 papers submitted by students. The committee had a difficult time determining the winners, as we received many texts of excellent quality. The chosen winners each distinguished themselves with particular nuances in how they summarized the original articles in a clear and interesting way, while they maintained important aspects of the original thread, and still made the research accessible to a non expert reader.

Remise des prix pour le concours des auteurs qui ont du génie (De gauche à droite) : Ted Julien Tchinde Fotsin (1er prix), Smarjeet Sharma (2e prix), Marion Ghibaudo (3e prix), Sylvain G. Cloutier (des affaires professorales, de la recherche et des partenariats).

Ingenious Writers Contest awards were given during the Gala de la reconnaissance de l’ÉTS (left to right) : Ted Julien Tchinde Fotsin (1st place), Smarjeet Sharma (2nd place), Marion Ghibaudo (3rd place), Sylvain G. Cloutier (Directeur des affaires professorales, de la recherche et des partenariats).

  • 1st place ($1500) : Ted Julien Tchinde Fotsin for his text Vers un meilleur suivi du patient après le traitement endovasculaire d’un
    anévrisme de l’aorte abdominale which summarizes an article cowritten by professor Sophie Lerouge;
  • 2nd place ($1000) : Smarjeet Sharma for his text Making LTE Networks More Efficient: The Path to a More Sustainable Growth of the Internet of Things which summarizes an article cowritten by professor Michel Kadoch;
  • 3rd place ($500) : Marion Ghibaudo for her text Impacts des changements climatiques sur la rénovation et la conception des bâtiments de demain which summarizes an article cowritten by professor Claudiane Ouellet-Plamondon.

Publications in Substance ÉTS

During the summer of 2017, many of the texts submitted to the contest will be published in Substance ÉTS in order to make them available to as many people as possible. Look at Substance to discover them and learn about research at ETS!

Previous contests - SARA 2017 Abstract Contest

Here are the winners of the SARA 2017 Abstract Contest

Nearly 30 high-quality scientific abstracts were submitted this year, making the contest a great success once again. This contest, which has existed since 2014, is supported by the ÉTS library. The grand prize winner of this year’s contest is Prabin Pradhan. Here are all five winners of the contest.

First place (500$)

Prabin Pradhan is a PhD student at ÉTS in the Department of Electrical Engineering

Prabin Pradhan wins first place for his abstract titled “Characterization of cylindrical vector beams in a few-mode fibers for next generation telecommunication and remote sensing applications”. The Jury, composed of 16 professors from ÉTS, noted the clarity of the presentation of the methodology related to photonics research.

Prabin told us that “Initiatives like the SARA Abstract Competition are very important because they give researchers the opportunity to focus on writing quality texts that present their research to a large audience.”

Second place (250$)

Atma Adoungotchodo is a PhD student at ÉTS in health technology engineering

The second place winner in the 2017 SARA Abstract Contest is Atma Adoungochodo for her text titled “Des hydrogels de chitosane injectables avec des meilleures propriétés mécaniques pour la régénération du disque intervertébral”. The presentation of her results particularly impressed the Jury. Atma found that the competition encouraged her to present her research in a format she wasn’t used to, which prompted her to practice her way of explaining her research. She has already participated in SARA support groups and particularly appreciated the feedback she received from other students.

Third place (150$)

Roseline Olory Agomma is a PhD student at ÉTS in Health Technology Engineering

Roseline Olory Agomma wins the third prize for her text “Détection automatique de régions anatomiques du membre inférieur dans les radiographies frontales basée sur un réseau de neurones convolutionnel”. The jury particularly appreciated the clear presentation of her research problem as well as the quality of her writing.

Roseline has participated in several SARA activities that take place directly within her lab at LIO. According to her, this competition represents the chance to practice submitting abstracts for a scientific conference.

Special mention (50$)

Due to the remarkable quality of certain texts, SARA also awarded two special prizes of $50:

Mohamed Zemzem is a PhD student at ÉTS in the Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mohamed Zemzem wins a special mention prize for his excellent text titled “Optimisation des propriétés barrières de matériaux nanocomposites en nitrile chargés avec des nanoargiles “. Mohamed is used to participating in competitions that take place at ÉTS, especially those related to scientific posters. He enjoys having the chance to practice writing and, following the competition, he decided to join the SARA review team. A great recruit!

Special mention (50$)

Caroline Lecours is a PhD student in mechanical engineering

Caroline Lecours also wins an honourable mention prize for her text “Analyse biomécanique du risque de traumatisme crânio-cérébral léger lors de la pratique du soccer“. This seasoned writer is already collaborating on several texts for Substance ÉTS. She believes”it’s essential to practice synthesizing your research project, as the SARA competition required, making it accessible to more people”.