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Write efficiently during a SARA blitz

Finding it hard to muster the motivation and discipline when writing a scientific paper? Can’t seem to get past your writer’s block? SARA prescribes a regular dose of its “Writing Blitz” activity. The Blitz offers you a structured and motivating environment to make progress on your scientific writing. You can also ask SARA members questions and get writing tips relevant to your project.

Breakdown of the activity

At the beginning of a session, you set concrete (and realistic) goals for progress on your writing. We then use the Pomodoro technique to divide the Blitz into multiple 25-minute blocks during which you write without distraction (e.g. cell phones) while keeping your objectives in mind, and crossing them off as completed. Between each block, you can relax (and check your phone) during a well-deserved five minute pause; during this time you can also chat with your colleagues or ask questions of SARA members.

Bring along your current scientific writing in progress.  If you do not have a specific scientific text that you are working on, we’ll help you find a useful writing exercise that will get you further along on your research topic. All students will find some value in participating in a Blitz, no matter what stage they are in their research project and writing.

We are trying to keep the Blitz green. Please bring your own mug for the coffee / tea!

Graduate student space in the library

                            iCal file to add SARA’s activities calendar to your calendar