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Research Data Management (RDM): Storage and backup

Keep your data safe and secure

Ensuring the security of generated data is crucial for any research project. A good storage and backup strategy will help prevent potential data loss.

Securing data involves paying attention to physical security, network security, as well as computer system and file security to prevent unauthorized access, unwanted modifications, disclosure, or destruction of data. Data security measures should be proportionate to the nature of the data and the risks involved.

Encryption can be used to securely store and transmit files. Regular backups can protect against accidental or malicious data loss, and this process can easily be automated. Data must be securely destroyed when it is no longer needed, as simply deleting files or reformatting a hard drive will not prevent data recovery. (UK Data Services, 2021)

Contact the Service des technologies de l'information (STI) at the beginning of your project to learn about the services they can provide, and to establish the best strategy for securing and backing up your data in the short, medium, and long term.

Best practices for storage and backup

Estimates regarding storage space should take into consideration requirements for file versioning, backups, and the increase of the number of files over time.

If you are collecting data over a long period of time (e.g., several months or years), your data backup and storage strategy should account for data growth. Similarly, a long-term storage plan is necessary if you intend to retain your data after the research project.

The risk of data loss due to human error, natural disasters, or other mishaps can be mitigated by following the 3-2-1 backup rules:

  • Have at least three copies of your data.
  • Store the copies on two different types of media.
  • Keep one backup copy offsite.

Data can be stored using optical or magnetic media that can be removable (e.g., DVDs and USB drives), fixed (e.g., desktop or laptop hard disk drives), or network-based (e.g., network drives or cloud-based servers). Each storage method has advantages and disadvantages that should be considered when determining the most suitable solution. (DMP Assistant, 2022)

Contact the STI for assistance with backup and storage.

Finding a data storage platform

The STI has developed an enhanced service offering that complies with Treasury Board requirements, including data security. This service offering includes unlimited storage space for researchers at the École de technologie supérieure.

Contact the STI prior to submitting your grant application and starting your research project to obtain assistance in evaluating your storage needs.

Additionally, here are some resources (in French) that will help you find different storage options based on the specifics of your project.


UK Data Service. (2021). Research data management. Retrieved from

Digital Research Alliance of Canada. (2022). DMP Assistant. Retrieved from

Carrefour Gestion des données de recherche de l'Université du Québec. (2022). Stockage. Retrieved from